Our students are ambassadors for Emmaus and should wear their correct uniform with pride at all times.
How a student wears the uniform gives a clear message about how the student sees themselves and the school. The Emmaus uniform policy outlines what is acceptable in all matters relating to our school uniform and appropriate personal presentation.
Students in Years 7 to 10 may wear their sport uniform to school when they are timetabled on sport. However, when students are timetabled for PDHPE practical lessons, they must bring their sport uniform to school in their sports bag and change for that lesson.
Students should be in full school uniform for all excursions and College events or they will not be permitted to attend the event.

Uniform Shop
The College uses The School Locker as our uniform supplier and shop operator.
The on-site School Locker Uniform Shop is located in the college's Technics building, which is the first building on the left hand side as you enter the car park.
12:00pm - 4:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
The shop has extended trading hours at the beginning of the school year.
The uniform shop can also be contacted via our contact us form.
Emmaus Catholic College uniforms are available from the School Locker website. Choose to have your order shipped directly to you or collect it from the uniform shop during trading hours.
The website also stocks a great range of other items for school including stationery, technology, footwear, musical instruments and sports equipment.
Online payment options include Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, ZipPay and LatitudePay.